5 Keys to Creating Your Dreams

Creating a your heartfelt dreams can feel incredibly overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be. Connecting with your heart, being honest and applying 5 simple ( ok not always simple) and powerful keys to the process will undoubtedly increase hope and your belief…which is absolutely necessary in order for those dreams to take flight!

 I am incredibly passionate about bringing a voice of hope, support, love and at times, a bit of a wake up call.

Those who know me and do life with me, know this to be true. I champion, support, encourage and believe in my friends fiercely. Problem has been that I have been able to believe in their dreams, plans, ideas and possibilities more than I have for my own. 

Sound familiar?

I know I am not alone. I know you can relate. There is something about our own dreams and ideas that seem to be a little more far fetched or unattainable in comparison to others.

How do we get over that and believe with the same energy and hopefulness we hold for others?

  1. Start building evidence.

Take time to research others’ true stories. Not the end results, but the journey, the time and energy taken in order to find the success they are experiencing now. Also remind yourself of your past successes, your passions  and that you have overcome many obstacles. Write them down and revisit them often. I call this list and journaling “Your Book of Remembrances”. We need to be reminded of our triumphs. Even the small seemingly insignificant ones.

  1. Be honest with your equality. 

This one takes some real effort to address our own minds’ limitations.  

Hear me out here. 

All things being considered, are we any less deserving, less capable, less able or less than anyone else? 

As human beings, no one is less deserving than the next person to experience and manifest their hearts desires.

No one! You are Worthy. You are Deserving. You are Capable. Add these to your Book of Remembrances. 

  1. Be Open to  weird or unexpected steps in the process.

The road to realizing and experiencing your dreams is never, I will repeat never a straight predictable line. A does not lead to B, then C, then D when it comes to your dreams. No, oh no, think of a bag of 26 scrabble letters in a bag and the universe, God, Divine Source reaches in and grabs random letters which will and do lead you on the path necessary for you to learn, grow and be prepared. You just have to Trust the Process and….

  1. Don’t Give Up!

Oh my word, if this one doesn’t hit me between the eyes every so often. I hear it on repeat , because, to be honest, this  has been my weak point. Discouragement creeps in, doubt looms overhead and the feeling of being defeated can come on you and take you out. The path is unpredictable, as I mentioned before, so remind yourself of this. The note that goes with not giving up, is:

  1. Timing is Everything.

Remind yourself, a cake even takes the right amount of time in order to be it’s best, as does a flower blooming. This truth is built into everything around us. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself some grace and space. Allow life to find the right time for you and your dreams. 

In the meantime, as you wait, be open, build evidence, put energy into believing….continue to look for Joy and Small successes. They are there. Celebrate your determination, the hurdles you overcame, the mindsets you became aware of and deleted from your life and the moments of rest that seem to hold nothing, but actually hold a depth of preparedness of what lies ahead.

You can do this. You ARE doing this!

Keep Believing! I am! 

I know you have got this. 

And when in doubt, refer back to #4.

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