3 Fun Ways to Create Powerful Vision Boards

I love using Vision Boards to inspire, help promote and bring into reality my hopes and dreams. These are 3 of my favorite, incredibly effective ways to create Vision Boards which have worked with exciting results for me.

  1. Pinterest

Using Pinterest to create and build a Vision Board is absolutely brilliant! Not only do you have the visual right there, but also prompts to find similar ideas, products, places or things. I love creating Pinterest Boards for numerous topics, dreams and plans. I visit them often and Feel the joy and energy as I am visually reminded of what is on my heart to experience.

  1. In Real Life IRL

You cannot underestimate the power and pleasure of creating a Vision Board In Real Life. There is something to be said for the hands on experience. It takes you back to your childhood with scissors, glue, paint markers, stickers and your vast untamed imagination. Go to your local thrift store and canvas your friends for old magazines and step up your perfect creation station. Grab a coffee or a glass of wine and allow those dreams, hopes and plans to pick out the perfect pics to cut, paste and embellish for a fun, relaxing afternoon activity.

  1. Mind Movies

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There is nothing more inspiring than adding compelling music to a movie of your Vision Board. I have created a few different Mind Movies over the years and the fun thing is, as soon as one of those songs plays on the radio, on tv or a random cd, it immediately takes me to the pictures I compiled for that particular Mind Movie. It transcends your location and adds a new dimension to an already powerful Vision Board. Get comfy, grab your phone, tablet or computer and scour the internet for pictures that embody the dreams and hopes you are choosing to create and believe for. Then add some uplifting, joy filled meaningful music. These are ideal for playing in the background as you read, cook, chill or even sleep. 

Always, always, always, connect your joy filled emotions to any Vision Board you create. Make them a beautiful expression of who you are, then what you want will be drawn to you and within no time at all you will see the Visions, Pictures, Plans, Hopes and Dreams be drawn to you and manifest in your life.

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