5 Powerful Changes You Can Make Right Now That Will Greatly Impact Your Life

You are always free to make changes in your life.

We so often feel stuck and uninspired, especially when we don’t recognize we have the absolute freedom to make changes in our lives.

Sure, we may not be able to pick up and move at a moment’s notice or we may not be able to immediately quit an unfulfilling job,( will get back to these)  but….we have the power to change so many other areas of our lives, we sometimes forget this, or may not even have considered it.

#1. Your Mind.    One of the most powerful changes we can make is how we see things. When you make a simple change of actually seeing you have the power to change, all of sudden you see more opportunities and possibilities.


#2. Your Attitude.     Feeling sorry, stuck, angry, lost or frustrated will only lead to more of the same. Changing your attitude and choosing to let go of how you think things “should” have been, can open your eyes and mind to see new possibilities and  opportunities. It’s not about pasting a smile on the outside and crying or raging on the inside, it’s being sincere in recognizing that your attitude can either make things worse or quite possibly make things and your life so much better. 


#3. Your “Look”.      I know this may sound superficial, but it actually isn’t. Often when we change our appearance we can impact other areas in our lives. It may not even be changing your physical appearance; changing something in your home, office or even daily routine can spur on new creative thoughts, ideas and help you see things in a whole new light. Even changing where you normally sit in a room can impact your brain and perspective.


#4. Change your Diet.      Science has proven we are what we eat. Our skin, internal organs and blood all  rejuvenate over various times. What we eat builds each of these, so it stands to reason, if we change how we eat, we change how we impact every inch of our being.


#5. Change your  Routine.      Something as simple as taking a new route to work or school can give a fresh perspective on your day and even your life. We are creatures of habit and find comfort in the familiar and predictable, but it isn’t always what our being needs in order to grow and evolve in positive, powerful ways. Change up your routine, step out of that comfort zone, challenge yourself to embrace the uncomfortable. Even small steps can open yourself up to wonderful changes.

Taking the courage with intention, you have the power to make changes that will not only positively impact the relationship you have with yourself, but also with those you do life with. And, you may just inspire and influence others to do the same, simply by how they are experiencing you now.


Light, Life, Love 

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