Give Yourself Permission


“ You don’t need permission from anyone but yourself, to live the life you want and dream of”.


Permission Granted. End of story. 

If only it was as easy as that. Well, technically and to a degree, it is. But we do as kind, loving humans, and take into consideration how our choices affect others. Permission may be there. 

“Everything is permissible, not everything is beneficial. “

Ultimately though, you really do have permission to do whatever it is you want. Wisdom, however, suggests you weigh out your choices and hold them to the plumbline of your life to see if they measure up to what it really is you are wanting!

But, getting back to the premise…..

You have permission to connect with and empower your life by acknowledging and honoring the desires of your heart. And you have permission to believe and take steps towards them!

Let me be clear….You actually don’t need anyone else’s permission. You need to give it and own it for yourself!

This is really not something you will benefit from looking to others for. When you look outside yourself, you then rely on the external to continue to give it to you. You will continue to look and search out the opinions, support and insights of others to “allow” you to live your life.

No one else can do this for you. You have to own it for yourself. You have to choose it for yourself and you have to believe it for yourself.

“Everything you need is already within you.” 

‘K, now, what goes along with this is, as you connect and believe the permission in your life to follow your dreams and hearts desires, the universe and God will start giving you “thumbs up” and direction along the way. This isn’t the same as looking for permission, it’s basically sign posts and encouragement in the direction best suited for your journey. 

Trust the process!

Oh, this could be a rabbit trail….

When we give and choose permission to believe in our dreams, the steps will be guided but we need to keep our eyes on our hopes and dreams, not on the steps themselves.

“ The man chooses his path, the Lord directs his steps.” 

When we get short sighted and start trying to figure out the next step, we will be immediately distracted with all the “what if’s” and uncertainties of the moment. 

Permission to ignore this and focus on the bigger picture is important! 

Keep your eyes on the prize.

When you plan a trip, you don’t just take it one step at a time, typically you have a destination in mind! When you’ve chosen the destination, then the journey begins on how to get there. No destination is achieved without focus and intent. But it’s also not achieved by looking at step one the entire time. 

Believe in and trust the process to present itself as you keep intent on your heart and hopes.

So in relation to My Mission Statement and hearts desire to see people follow their dreams and live the life they truly desire…..Permission is yours to grant yourself! This is simply me, reminding you of your own power and authority.

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