Please Know Hope is Absolutely Worth Risking


“Whoever brings hope, has the greatest influence.”  -B. Johnson

“A leader is a dealer in Hope.” Napoleon Bonaparte 

I believe, wholeheartedly, Hope is one of the greatest assets and also the greatest missing link in many people’s lives.  

Hope is the most powerful tool within ourselves yet, we so often look to others for it. Hope, like everything else I will address, is an inside job. It resides within, it is expressed fully and authentically from within and it grows and deepens from within.

Hope is yours. You only need to tap into it. Pay attention to it. Give energy to it and allow it to flow in and around your life.

Hope is life. “Without hope or a vision, the people perish.” 

*** Ok, I get it. How does hope reside within? How do we tap into hope within ourselves when we feel hopeless or helpless to do so? This is where looking outside to begin with can “prime the pump” so to speak.

When hopelessness has taken its toll on us, we do need to be reminded of what hope looks like. We sometimes need a story or words of encouragement to start the journey to finding our hope again.

But don’t get caught up in creating a false sense of hope based on others words, experiences or journey’s, because what can happen here is we become dependent on others, or something outside ourselves to fill these needs which will ultimately take more and more to fill.

It is like all these other core beliefs and values, they are all, every single one….an inside job. All begin from within to be truly a part of ourselves and fulfilling. 

“Hope is the only bee who can make honey without flowers.”  – Robert Green Ingersoll 

Hope is unique.

Hope is yours to share and give in your own beautiful way. 

Like every other power tool you have within.

You can give it, you can share it, but you can’t describe it in others lives. They need to do it for themselves!

I think Hope needs to be redefined.

So many look at Hope as the fingers crossed, bite my tongue, hold my breath kind of wishful thinking belief, rather than the solid, active, strong truth it actually is.

Hope: The expectation of something desired. The joyful anticipation of something good. The feeling and anticipation of desire for a certain thing to happen. 

No finger crossing, breath holding here. Anticipation, Expectation, Joyful to boot! 

Hope is the most life changing when we take the courage to hold onto it with Joyful anticipation! It moves within this. It grows, no matter how vulnerable or risky it seems. The more you focus on the joy, along with expectation and anticipation, it will grow and become more real to you.

Although it feels like the most enormous risk you can take, to Believe with Hope, it actually is where and how it is delivered into our lives, without it, we lack so much experience and miss some of the greatest gifts we can imagine!

Hope delivers. Hope is life. Hope has the power to change your world. Hope thru you can change lives around you.

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