“As I get older, the more I stay focused on the acceptance of myself and others, and choose compassion over judgment and curiosity over fear.”
-Tracee Ellis Ross
“With you, I feel completely accepted and able to be fully myself.”
I have had this spoken to me and written to me on numerous occasions. I cannot even begin to express how much this means to me.
To be able to Be a person, a place where someone feels fully accepted and safe to share their true selves, is a huge gift to me, because I get to experience them and their authentic, raw, unfiltered selves. What an honor.
“Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness.”
-Eckhart Tolle
Can anyone be truly known if they don’t feel safe enough, accepted enough to share themselves without concern of how someone will judge them?
But more importantly than finding acceptance from others, is finding it within ourselves. Giving ourselves that same honor, to accept all our flaws, ugly bits and perceived shameful areas.
All of it, “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”.
When we can reconcile we are not actually divided but a whole. Knowing and understanding we actually can’t deny one area of ourselves and fully embrace others and be whole. We are who we are, and in order to fully embrace and love ourselves fully, we need to make peace with the messy bits we aren’t incredibly fond of. In other words, accept the unacceptable.
When I finally started accepting things about myself that I so desperately did not like, things I felt powerless in, the uncomfortable areas that I wanted to hide from myself along with everyone else, I began to see them in a different light and they also lost their control over my mind and sense of well being.
Letting go of controlling them and to be honest, my hatred of them, I started focusing on the areas I love and admire, the things I wanted to see grow, and low and behold, the unbeautiful started diminishing and I was finding peace from the torment they used to cause.
When I accepted myself, I was more acceptable and my acceptance of others also grew.
You are a divine being, created as equal as any other. You deserve love, appreciation, care and full acceptance from yourself.